every day

is a great day

for acts of kindness

Chloe & Theo Buchholtz in front of rainbow wings mural located in Southern Village, sponsored by AOK Chapel Hill, NC

Why we are asking you to Choose Kindness

Kindness begins at home. Being good to yourself and your loved ones. We are Chloe and Theo Buchholtz, a brother and sister passionate about encouraging simple and organized acts of kindness. Being kind is one of the very best things we can be. We founded AOK Chapel Hill, a North Carolina 501(c)(3) non-profit, to foster kindness.

AOK - CH started by handing out bottles of water and dollars to people without shelter as well as delivering gratitude balloons and baked goods to local emergency rooms. We then progressed to raising funds and collecting goods for other worthy causes that address homelessness, food scarcity and mental health.

In the current climate of the world, kindness has never been more important.  Let’s spread kindness as a way of thinking and acting toward others and ourselves.   

Helping in Our Home State

AOK-CH + RTI have made an $8,000 donation to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Helene relief. We are so grateful to be able to play a small role in spreading kindness to our WNC neighbors.  

Make a donation.

What you do every day matters. Spread some joy with a donation to acts of kindness - chapel hill and know that your act of kindness is being multiplied into many. Together we can change the world, starting in our own little corner.